
丁钰 华语音乐 2024-05-16 14:16:14
Falling (《前途海量》电影片头曲) - 丁钰
I keep on falling into an endless abyss
我在坠落 我在深渊中错过
No ground beneath me just darkness and the hiss
无人相伴 只剩无尽的黑暗
Don't try to save me I'm past the point of return
别来救我 我已错过
But if you can see me just smile
若愿见我 请一笑而过
Lost in the shadows with no hope to avoid
在黑暗中迷茫 也无忘躲藏
But if you're there and you can see
如果你在那 且在我身旁
In this downward spiral I find solace in your eyes
哪怕在下坠 我却看到了安慰
I may be descending but a smile can lift me high
也许在坠落中破碎 但也要微笑面对
I feel a sense of sad
I keep on falling into an endless abyss
我在坠落 我在深渊中错过
No ground beneath me just darkness and the hiss
无人相伴 只剩无尽的黑暗
Don't try to save me I'm past the point of return
别来救我 我已错过
But if you can see me just smile
若愿见我 请一笑而过
Lost in the shadows with no hope to avoid
在黑暗中迷茫 也无忘躲藏
But if you're there and you can see
如果你在那 且在我身旁
In this downward spiral I find solace in your eyes
哪怕在下坠 我却看到了安慰
I may be descending but a smile can lift me high
也许在坠落中破碎 但也要微笑面对
I feel a sense of sad



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