Never quit-丁钰&若天.flac

丁钰&若天 华语音乐 2024-05-16 14:16:28
Never quit (《前途海量》电影插曲) - 丁钰/若天
No tired
No tired
No tired no rest
绝不会累 也绝不后退
I'll rise with the dawn ready for the fight
我会随着黎明而起 如战神附体
With solid determination shine with might
我下定决心 即已事到如今
No matter what setbacks or challenges arise
无惧挫折或 也无谓挑战
Staying my focused never loseing the prize
保持专注 永不失格
I'll break down barriers shatter any doubts
我会打破障碍 打破任何依赖
All negativity I'll just kick it out
所有的消极 全部被分离
With a persistence that knows no bounds
I'll keep pushing forging my way around
保持沉着 为胜利而活
I'll climb every mountain swim against the tide
我会爬上每一座高山 把一切推翻
With every step forward I'll gain strength inside
每向前走一步 力量都让人嫉妒
No matter how difficult the journey may be
I'll remain steadfast I'll always believe in me
我心依然 这是我的地盘
I won't let the noise of the world drown my voice
不让世界的喧嚣 淹没我的声音
I'll keep pushing forward make my own choice
我会继续前进 选择我的好运
No matter what life throws my way
不管生活怎样 哪怕无法想象
I'll persevere I won't let them lead me astray
我会依然反抗 持续整个晚上
Never gonna quit never fade away
绝不会累 也绝不后退
No matter the obstacles that come in my way
跟所有的不公 保持作对
Never gonna quit never fade away
绝不会累 也绝不后退
No matter the obstacles that come in my way
跟所有的不公 保持作对
Never gonna quit never fade away
绝不会累 也绝不后退
No matter the obstacles that come in my way
跟所有的不公 保持作对
Never gonna quit never fade away
绝不会累 也绝不后退
No matter the obstacles that come in my way
跟所有的不公 保持作对



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