地狱即他人2 - Hell is Other People II-短跑小说.flac/mp3

短跑小说 华语音乐 2024-02-06 14:30:16
Hell is other people 他人即地狱
For this 为此
I only trust the girl who can share the same eyes with me 我只信任能和我分享眼睛
And can still see the dust in the shadow 并且能看到影子中尘埃的女孩
Guangzhou is an island 广州是岛
China is an island 中国是岛
All drifting around 全都在漂移
Like the soup on the oil 像是油上的汤
Russia is an island 俄罗斯是岛
Europe is an island 欧洲是岛
All fading away 全都在消逝
Sink in silence 沉默中沉没
Are you still waiting for me 你是否还在等待我
I will put down my pens and all my fates 我会放下我的笔和命运
With all the effort 并竭尽全力
Without any effort 不费吹灰之力
I will walk down to you 向你走去
Hell is other people 他人即地狱
For this 为此
I only trust you who can dance with me beneath the beautiful moonlight 我只信任你能和我在美丽的月光下起舞
And can still improvise along the sun 并且能沿着太阳即兴演奏
Guangzhou is an island 广州是岛
China is an island 中国是岛
All drifting around 全都在漂移
Like the soup on the oil 像是油上的汤
Russia is an island 俄罗斯是岛
Europe is an island 欧洲是岛
All fading away 全都在消逝
Sink in silence 沉默中沉没
Are you still waiting for me 你是否还在等待我
I will put down my pen and all my fates 我会放下我的笔和命运
With all the effort 并竭尽全力
Without any effort 不费吹灰之力
I will walk down to you 向你走去
The shadow of the castle 城堡的影子
Could never erase all my past and future 不能擦除我们的过去和未来
The spirit of the eagle 老鹰的影子
Could never land to my fates 绝不会降落在我的命运之上
Let’s watch some films after some pills 让我们一起 在服用一些药物后
From 50s,60s and 1994 看一些50年代 60年代 和1994年的电影
Could you please invite me for another dance maybe in another city 你是否能邀请我跳多一支舞 即便也许是在另一个城市
Hell is other people 他人即地狱
For this 为此
I only trust you 我只信任你
In the end 最后
The heaven is you 天堂是你
Because Chelsea you are heaven 因为切尔西就是天堂



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