道林·格雷的画像- The Picture of Dorian Gray-短跑小说.flac/mp3

短跑小说 华语音乐 2024-02-06 14:30:09
Your death is not the end 你的死亡不是终点
The end is right after the end 终点可以是在死亡之后
Then I am able to write the shortest poem for you 然后我就可以为你写作最短的诗歌
Then I am able to compose the easiest song 然后我就可以写最简单的歌
Then I am able to draw the true true you which will stay like Dorian Gray 然后我就可以为你画一幅如 道林格雷 那般的画像
I will be right 我将会是正确的
I will be the king of your life 我将会是你生活中的国王
Be lonely, be happy, be lovely, be somebody else 变得孤独吧 变得快乐吧 变得可爱吧 变成别人吧
I am still young when we fall in love 在我们坠入爱河之时,我仍然年轻
So don’t tell me the meaning of all colors 所以不要告诉我任何关于颜色的隐喻
So we don’t need to cry cry cry 所以我们也不需要哭泣了
You said that 你曾说过
We worship love when we are still rational 理性的时刻感情用事
We choose logic when we are still emotional 感性的时刻逻辑至上
Let’s void the most elegant solution today 让我们在今天回避最优雅的解题方案
Just two of us, just two of us circle around to be the circle of fire 两人围成一圈火焰
Burn out all the roses which has been reincarnated for few centuries 把轮回了若干世纪的花房在一个季度一次烧光
Let’s witness the dead fire hanging on the edge of the ashes 让我们见证灰烬边缘悬挂的余火
That’s the unlawful child of the romanticism and scientism 是浪漫主义和科学的私生子
With some love and some knowledge 带上一些爱和科学
The stars can simulate the methodology of how the young man kill his lovers 群星便可以模拟出年轻的男人如何杀死爱人的方法论
I almost forgot 我几乎忘了
I almost forgot 我几乎忘了
I almost forgot 我几乎忘了
You are one of those flowers 你也是其中的一朵花儿



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