
崩坏星穹铁道 专辑合辑 2024-06-20 22:13:28
1.抵抗白昼 Against the Day-HOYO-MiX.mp3
2.渡鸦言曰 Quoth the raven-HOYO-MiX.flac
3.渡鸦言曰 Quoth the raven-HOYO-MiX.mp3
4.公民哈努努 Citizen Hanunu-HOYO-MiX.flac
5.公民哈努努 Citizen Hanunu-HOYO-MiX.mp3
6.公平游戏 Fair Play-HOYO-MiX.flac
7.公平游戏 Fair Play-HOYO-MiX.mp3
8.关于记忆永恒的解构 On the Disintegration of Evermemoria-HOYO-MiX.flac
9.关于记忆永恒的解构 On the Disintegration of Evermemoria-HOYO-MiX.mp3
10.嗨,多莉! Hi, Dolly!-HOYO-MiX.flac
11.嗨,多莉! Hi, Dolly!-HOYO-MiX.mp3
12.黄金之地 Golden Land-HOYO-MiX.flac
13.黄金之地 Golden Land-HOYO-MiX.mp3
14.假如醒于午夜 If One Wakes at Midnight-HOYO-MiX.flac
15.假如醒于午夜 If One Wakes at Midnight-HOYO-MiX.mp3
16.镜像阶段 Stade du Miroir-HOYO-MiX.flac
17.镜像阶段 Stade du Miroir-HOYO-MiX.mp3
18.快乐原则 Lustprinzip-HOYO-MiX.flac
19.快乐原则 Lustprinzip-HOYO-MiX.mp3
20.另一方玩家 The Player on the Other Side-HOYO-MiX.flac
21.另一方玩家 The Player on the Other Side-HOYO-MiX.mp3
22.落水狗 Wet Dog-HOYO-MiX.flac
23.落水狗 Wet Dog-HOYO-MiX.mp3
24.满堂彩 Full House-HOYO-MiX.flac
25.满堂彩 Full House-HOYO-MiX.mp3
26.梦客漫步 Dreamwalker-HOYO-MiX.flac
27.梦客漫步 Dreamwalker-HOYO-MiX.mp3
28.能指链条 Chaîne Signifiante-HOYO-MiX.flac
29.能指链条 Chaîne Signifiante-HOYO-MiX.mp3
30.清醒梦 Lucid Dreams-HOYO-MiX.flac
31.清醒梦 Lucid Dreams-HOYO-MiX.mp3
32.山巅之城 City upon a Hill-HOYO-MiX.flac
33.山巅之城 City upon a Hill-HOYO-MiX.mp3
34.使一颗心免于哀伤(安可)If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking (Encore)-知更鸟&HOYO-MiX&Chevy.flac
35.使一颗心免于哀伤(安可)If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking (Encore)-知更鸟&HOYO-MiX&Chevy.mp3
36.死亡欲力 Todestrieb-HOYO-MiX.flac
37.死亡欲力 Todestrieb-HOYO-MiX.mp3
38.挑战读者 Challenge to the Reader-HOYO-MiX.flac
39.挑战读者 Challenge to the Reader-HOYO-MiX.mp3
40.无人生还 Return of None-HOYO-MiX.flac
41.无人生还 Return of None-HOYO-MiX.mp3
42.午夜特快 The Midnight Special-HOYO-MiX.flac
43.午夜特快 The Midnight Special-HOYO-MiX.mp3
44.显性梦境 Manifest Content of Dream-HOYO-MiX.flac
45.显性梦境 Manifest Content of Dream-HOYO-MiX.mp3
46.现实原则 Realitätsprinzip-HOYO-MiX.flac
47.现实原则 Realitätsprinzip-HOYO-MiX.mp3
48.意乱情迷 Spellbound-HOYO-MiX.flac
49.意乱情迷 Spellbound-HOYO-MiX.mp3
50.隐性梦境 Latent Content of Dream-HOYO-MiX.flac
51.隐性梦境 Latent Content of Dream-HOYO-MiX.mp3
52.永不复焉 Nevermore-HOYO-MiX.flac
53.永不复焉 Nevermore-HOYO-MiX.mp3
54.愚者总按两遍铃 The Fool Always Rings Twice-HOYO-MiX.flac
55.愚者总按两遍铃 The Fool Always Rings Twice-HOYO-MiX.mp3
56.长眠不醒 The Big Sleep-HOYO-MiX.flac
57.长眠不醒 The Big Sleep-HOYO-MiX.mp3
58.半途之屋 Halfway House-HOYO-MiX.flac
59.半途之屋 Halfway House-HOYO-MiX.mp3
60.崩坏星穹铁道-飞来波的圣状(上篇)The Flapper Sinthome Disc1简介.txt
61.尘世乐园 This Side of Paradise-HOYO-MiX.flac
62.尘世乐园 This Side of Paradise-HOYO-MiX.mp3
63.倒扣的王牌 Ace in the Hole-HOYO-MiX.flac
64.倒扣的王牌 Ace in the Hole-HOYO-MiX.mp3
65.抵抗白昼 Against the Day-HOYO-MiX.flac



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