HOYO-MiX-《崩坏星穹铁道-行于命途2 Experience the Paths Vol.2》全部歌曲合集无损FLAC打包下载

专辑合辑 2024-04-13 12:29:57 145 0
1.常看常新的故事 A Story That Never Grows Dull-HOYO-MiX.flac
2.独角戏 Monodrama-HOYO-MiX.flac
3.花火:幕后纪录 Sparkle: Behind the Curtain-HOYO-MiX.flac
4.欢迎来到美梦小镇!Part.1 Welcome to Dreamville!-HOYO-MiX.flac
5.欢迎来到美梦小镇!Part.2 Welcome to Dreamville!-HOYO-MiX.flac
6.欢迎来到美梦小镇!Part.3 Welcome to Dreamville!-HOYO-MiX.flac
7.回魂夜 Night of Thrills-HOYO-MiX.flac
8.旧梦重温 A Revisiting of Past Dreams-HOYO-MiX.flac
9.狂热奔向深渊 Into the Yawning Chasm-HOYO-MiX.flac
10.迷离幻夜谈 The Crepuscule Zone-HOYO-MiX.flac
11.你的颜色 Your Color-HOYO-MiX.flac
12.骑士文学 Chivalric Romances-HOYO-MiX.flac
13.阮声落华裳,梅出似点妆 Transcendent  Ruan Tunes, Blushing Mei Blooms-HOYO-MiX.flac
14.太平临新岁 Harmony Greets the New Year-HOYO-MiX.flac
15.万物生 In All Does Life Flow-HOYO-MiX.flac
16.虚谭•浮世三千一刀缭断 Kyoden: A Cleave Across the Transient World-HOYO-MiX.flac
17.摇篮曲 Lullaby-HOYO-MiX.flac
18.一起出去玩嘛! Wanna Go Have Some Fun!-HOYO-MiX.flac
19.庸与神的冠冕 Crown of the Mundane and Divine-HOYO-MiX.flac
20.永火一夜:第33场 A Night of Ever-Flame: Scene 33-HOYO-MiX.flac
21.永劫轮舞 Rondo Across Countless Kalpas-HOYO-MiX.flac
22.愚不可及 Supreme Idiocy-HOYO-MiX.flac




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