秘密爱人 - Steal love-短跑小说.flac/mp3

短跑小说 华语音乐 2024-02-06 14:30:37
Oh man 噢,男人啊
Would you please steal my love 请问你能偷走我的爱吗
I will wear my best bikini 我将会穿上我最性感的比基尼
I imagine you are in the swimming pool in the summer 我将会想象你在夏天的泳池里
Then I must be the best reflection of them all 然后我一定是其中最美好的倒影
Oh girl, 噢女孩啊
Let me tell you something new 让我向你描述一种新的体验
In the Chinese Language 在中文里
Steal love is the worst word ever 偷情可是最糟糕的词语
But I will tell you something you expect 但我还是会说一些你期待的情话
“I wanna kiss you, kiss you and kiss you right now” “此刻的我想和你接吻接吻接吻”
Steal love 偷情吧
Forget who you’ve ever been 忘记你曾经是谁
All the memories, they are useless in this moment I sing 在我歌唱的瞬间,所有的记忆就没有意义了
In this summer 在这个夏天
Don’t blame me on my youth 不要因为我年轻而怪罪我
It’s the fault of the pretty pretty moon 这些都是美丽的月亮造成的错误
I do believe 我确实地相信
There is another line of world 有另外的一条世界线
We never met there 我们从未在那遇见
But we still have all the sorrow 但我们仍然有所有的悲哀
all the kindness 所有的好意
all the ocean 所有的好意
all the pain 所有的痛疼
All mixed to make the silence 所有的所有汇聚成了沉默
Last last night 最后的一晚
Your robe fell to your knees 你的长袍滑落
You were smiling at me 你对我笑了笑
Blew me a secret but guilty kiss 给了我一个秘密却愧疚的飞吻
Then I put down my guitar and wonder 我只好放下我的吉他开始疑惑
What I see in my eye 我的眼睛到底见证了怎样的一个时刻
Finally I realized 在我醉倒前我才意识到
I just saw two moons before I got drunk 我刚刚可是见到了两个月亮啊
One is hanging in the heavy starry sky 一个是在昏沉的星空上
Another one is your silky back shining in this dark dark room 另一个则是在这黑暗的房间里你那丝绸般反射光线的背脊
Maybe it’s time to say goodbye 也许是时候告别了
My secret lover, my guilty lover of tonight 我今夜秘密的爱人,我今夜愧疚的爱人
As for your pale blue eyes 至于你苍白的蓝色瞳孔
I sing this song to forget 我尝试唱这首歌去将其忘记
I dance to remember forever 我尝试起舞去将其永远记住
Just one more night 再多过一晚
Just one more eye 再多看一眼
Just one more kiss goodbye 再多一个吻别
Your favorite poet might tell us 你最喜爱的诗人也许会对我们这样说
This is not the end 这其实并不是结束
Because we haven’t really met 因为其实我们并没有真正的遇见过



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