the grudge(Explicit)-Olivia Rodrigo.flac

Olivia Rodrigo 欧美音乐 2024-03-23 14:29:32

我嘴上说不在乎 跟人说我没事
But you know I can't let it go
但你知道 我难以释怀
I've tried I've tried I've tried for so long
我努力了 我尽力了 过了这么久还是很难放下
It takes strength to forgive but I don't feel strong
原谅需要莫大的勇气 但我其实没那么坚强
Ooh do you think I deserved it all
Ooh your flowers filled with vitriol
You built me up to watch me fall
你把我捧得如此之高 然后又把我狠狠摔落在地
You have everything and you still want more
你明明拥有了一切 却还贪得无厌 得寸进尺
I try to be tough I try to be mean
我努力表现得足够坚强 尽力让自己看起来尖酸刻薄
But even after all this you're still everything to me
但即使经历了这么多 你依然是我的全部
And I know you don't care I guess that that's fine
我知道你满不在乎 我想那也没什么大不了
But you know I can't let it go
但你知道 我难以释怀
I've tried I've tried I've tried for so long
我努力了 我尽力了 过了这么久还是很难放下
It takes strength to forgive but I'm not quite sure I'm there yet
原谅需要莫大的勇气 但我不确定自己是否已经做到了
It takes strength to forgive but



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