The Writing of Fragments of Time-Daft Punk&Todd Edwards.mp3

Daft Punk   Todd Edwards 欧美音乐 2023-03-23 10:31:29
The Writing of Fragments of Time - Daft Punk/Todd Edwards
Lyrics by:Thomas Bangalter/Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo/Todd Imperatrice
Composed by:Thomas Bangalter/Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo/Todd Imperatrice
Keep building those
Keep building those yeah
Keep building random mem
And working with us
I would never leave
Keep building these random memories
So you know this song is about Todd coming here and making the song
And working with us
I would never leave
Keep building these random memories
Good we're almost there
That's this part I knew the beginning was the hardest part
It was like working with it
Never leave keep building these random memories oh
'Cause wait that's the thing
"Since I can't"
It's gonna be like something about it having to stop
The way I'll get around that is by going back to these
Fragments of time
Yes yes exactly
These fragments that's how it's going to be
These fragments of time
I just keep playing back these fragments of time
Fragments of time
Fragments of time
Do me a favor
I don't mean to cut you because we're almost
I just wanna hear the before the "way"
I don't ever want it to end
If I had my way I would never leave
Keep building these random memories
Before it's too late
Okay so that's the part I just have to remember that
Okay alright so um
So the thing of it is "I can't stay"
But it's like the whole concept is "I can't stay"
But it comes to end but since everything comes
Since everything
I don't know if it's you that "can't stay"
I know but
And I don't ever want it to end
If I had my way I would never leave
Keep building these random memories
Since I can't stay
Do you think the line should
I think this will be a good thing
Should the line reflect that things can't stay the same
Like in other words I wish that it could always remain today
Like type of thing
Like should it be that
Like that might help in writing it
Like in other words you know
Keep building these random memories
Turning your days into melodies
That's so sweet
That this is
But since I can't stay
Turning our days into melodies
If I had my way I would never leave
Keep building these random memories
Turning our days into melodies
But since I can't stay
If I had my way I would never leave
Keep building these memories
Turning our days into melodies
But since I can't stay
I think sometime the hard thing is just finding the melody
And now we have the melody for the second part of the verse
Which can just like write another thing
Yes exactly exactly
If we do that
It just becomes 2 verse or if we or if we
Really struggle it can just become the second verse
Exactly exactly
More like a backup plan y'know
Yeah exactly
And plus the idea is that you can even you know
For the second verse kinda sing it like this
But change some of it
Like you know improvise like
But if there's no way you can just play that
Yeah yeah
Whatever the case we'll find a breakthrough
Yeah yeah I agree let's imagine that we do
There's so many so many possibilities for it to be rhymed easily
Faces I've never seen
We're doing that in another song
I didn't say "fantasy" I said faces I've seen in dreams
Oh you didn't
In other words
Oh "familiar faces I've never seen"
Instead of doing
Instead of doing "unfamiliar faces" that feels like it's still
Familiar faces I've never seen you know
I love it that's so crazy
Faces I've never seen
That's good right
In my memories I found my dream
Or like
Familiar faces I've never seen
Oh my god that's such a beautiful line
Familiar faces I've never seen I love it
Familiar faces I've never seen
Feeling this straight
Out of a dream
Or you know a half-remembered dream or something
There's something like that in "Touch" he said that
Oh really
That's crazy
I did not I didn't even pick that up
A half-remembered song yeah
That's exciting me
Yeah but I swear but like that just came up
That connection is just like it's crazy
Seen and dream that's cool too Dream been
A dream within a dream that's in "Touch" too
Yeah there's the word "dream" everywhere
Yeah and that's fine
It kinda has a connection like the congruency yeah
That "familiar faces" line man that's hot
To be able to express something so great



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