Wretches And Kings.flac

Linkin Park   林肯公园 欧美音乐 2022-07-18 11:21:22
"There's a time when the operation
Of the machine becomes so odious
有这么一个时代 操作机械变得如此令人讨厌
Makes you so sick at heart
That you can't take part;
You can't even passively take part
And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears
你不得不把你的身体放在齿轮 轮子上
And upon the wheels upon the levers
Upon all the apparatus
And you've got to make it stop "
(Mario Savio)
Wrectches And Kings - Linkin Park
To save face how low can you go
为了挽回颜面 你能做到何般低贱
Talk a lot of game but yet you don't know
纸上谈兵多年 仍不知其中玄妙
Static on the way make us all say whoa
逆风而行 纹丝不动 众人皆呜呼哀哉
The people up top push the people down low
Get down and obey every word
我等只能逆来顺受 忍气吞声
Steady get in line if you haven't yet heard
站稳 如果仍未闻其声 请排成一排
Wanna take what I got don't be absurd
想得到我拥有的吗? 简直是痴人说梦
Don't fight the power nobody gets hurt
不要试图反抗当权之人 这样没有人受伤
If you haven't heard yet then I'm letting you know
如果你还未知晓 我就让你知道
There ain't sh*t we don't run when the guns unload
枪未上膛 一切都是白扯
And no one make a move unless my people say so
在广大人民言语之前 没人会采取行动
Got everything outta control now everybody go
天下大乱 人走房空
Steel unload final blow
感到寂寞 最终失败
We the animals take control
Hear us now clear and true
Wretches and kings we come for you
村中草民 皇亲国戚 我们为你们而来
So keep pace how slow can you go
所以为了保持颜面 你能走的多慢?
Talk a lot of sh*t and yet you don't know
纸上谈兵多年 仍不知其中玄妙
Fire on the way make you all say whoa
人民于水深火热之中 你只是袖手旁观
The people up top and the people down low
庶民在坠落 君主在攀升
Get down and I'm running it like that
放低自己 我如此操控它
The front of the attack is exactly where I'm at
Somewhere in between the kick and the hi hat
The pen and the contract the pitch and the contact
签署和约束 分歧和往来
So get with the combat I'm letting 'em know
伴随着战争 我将让你们知道
There ain't sh*t you can say to make me back down no
没有什么东西能让我退却 绝不!
So push the button let the whole thing blow
所以按下按钮 让所有事物都化为灰烬
Spinning everything outta control now everybody go
让一切脱离掌控 每个人都行动起来
Steel unload final blow
感到寂寞 最终失败
We the animals take control
Hear us now clear and true
Wretches and kings we come for you
村中草民 皇亲国戚 我们为你们而来
Steel unload fire blow
感到寂寞 最终失败
Filthy animals beat them low
Skin and bone black and blue
钢筋铁骨 遍体鳞伤
No more this sun shall beat unto you
再也没有阳光 为了你 我们完蛋了
From the front to the back and the side to side
从头至尾 自始至终
If you fear what I feel put 'em up real high
如果你感同身受 请将它们高高举起
From the front to the back and the side to side
If you fear what I feel put 'em up real high
如果你感同身受 请将它们高高举起
From the front to the back and the side to side
If you fear what I feel put 'em up real high
如果你感同身受 请将它们高高举起
From the front to the back and the side to side
If you fear what I feel put 'em up real high
如果你感同身受 请将它们高高举起
From the front to the back and the side to side
If you fear what I feel put 'em up real high
如果你感同身受 请将它们高高举起
From the front to the back and the side to side



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