日韩音乐 2022-07-14 10:37:56
It's the end of the month and the weekend
已时至月底 再临周末时
I'ma spend this check, everything on me, yeah
我将肆意挥霍 全场都由我买单
I'ma tip myself, I'ma spend it on myself
既然作为奖赏 那我得犒劳自己
I'ma drop it like it's pouring, I'ma pour it on myself
我花钱如流水 肯定都为自己
Check, check, check, check that money
Making bank account number (Yikes)
That's that shit that's never getting bounced on ya
简直爽翻天 怎会被影响
Bitch, I do the money dance, I just made a hundred bands
盆满钵满 赚得招摇 恰巧有百沓金钞票到手
When the store says, "Sign for it," I'ma leave my autograph
当有商店求我要签名 我将以亲笔字迹署下
Dolla' bills, dolla' bills
金币 钞票
Watch it fallin' for me
倾洒面前 映现眼帘
I love the way that feels
身临其境 畅快至极
Dolla' bills, dolla' bills
金币 钞票
Keep on fallin' for me
持续不断 洒落跟前
I love the way it feels
I came here to drop some money, dropping all my money
我来此的目的 定是为尽情挥霍 奢侈消费 所有钞票
Drop some money, all this bread so yummy, yeah
定是为尽情挥霍 金钱气息 诱人熏心
Twerking, twerking, when I buy the things I like
我纵情舞动 随心所欲地买
Dolla', dollas, dropping on my ass tonight
无数金钞 今晚因我肆意飘飞
Everyone silent, listen to my money talk
所有人请保持缄默 敬请聆听我论金钱
Spend how I like it
为所欲为 尽情挥霍
Yeah, everyone know what I mean, mean
When they see green, when they see green, that mean go
当旁人看见钞票 那定是无法按捺住激动啊
Give me what the hell I want, give me what the hell I want
将我所想要的 都统统交给我
Check that money
Making bank account number (Yikes)
That's that shit that's never getting bounced on ya
简直爽翻天 怎会被影响
Bitch, I do the money dance, I just made a hundred bands
盆满钵满 赚得招摇 恰巧有百沓金钞票到手
When the store says, "Sign for it," I'ma leave my autograph
当有商店求我要签名 我将以亲笔字迹署下
Dolla' bills, dolla' bills
金币 钞票
Watch it fallin' for me
倾洒面前 映现眼帘
I love the way that feels
身临其境 畅快至极
Dolla' bills, dolla' bills
金币 钞票
Keep on fallin' for me
持续不断 洒落跟前
I love the way it feels
I came here to drop some money, dropping all my money
我来此的目的 定是为尽情挥霍 奢侈消费 所有钞票
Drop some money, all this bread so yummy, yeah
定是为尽情挥霍 金钱气息 诱人熏心
Twerking, twerking, when I buy the things I like
我纵情舞动 随心所欲地买
Dolla', dollas, dropping on my ass tonight
无数金钞 今晚因我肆意飘飞
Drop some money, dropping all my money
尽情挥霍 奢侈消费 所有钞票
Drop some money, all this bread so yummy, yeah
肆意挥霍 金钱气息 诱人熏心
Drop some money, dropping all my money
尽情挥霍 奢侈消费 所有钞票
Drop some money, all this bread so yummy, yeah
肆意挥霍 金钱气息 诱人熏心
My money moves, money I choose
随金钱而舞动 我的选择 唯有钱钞
Celine my shoes, walkin' on you
脚踩Celine靴 信步向你迈去
My money rules
My money moves, money I choose
随金钱而舞动 我的选择 唯有钱钞
Watch how my wons and yens and dollars be droppin' on you, you, you
看着我所携带的 韩日美钞票 将如何挥洒你面前
(Dun, dun-dun-dun-dun-dun, dun, dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun)
(Dun, dun-dun-dun-dun-dun, dun, dun)
Droppin' on you
(Dun, dun-dun-dun-dun-dun, dun, dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun)
(Dun, dun-dun-dun-dun-dun, dun, dun)
Droppin' on you



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