HOYO-MiX-《原神-沉玉沐芳 Jadeite Redolence》全部歌曲合集无损FLAC打包下载

HOYO-MiX 专辑合辑 2024-03-28 11:50:10 128 0
《原神》沉玉谷主题OST《沉玉沐芳 Jadeite Redolence》
1.岸谷苍苔冷 Shaded Valley's Repose-HOYO-MiX.flac
2.半入江风半入云 Through Clouds and Rivers-HOYO-MiX.flac
3.半枕灵兰落玉机 When the Herb Fades-HOYO-MiX.flac
4.埠上风光 What a Delightful Scenery-HOYO-MiX.flac
5.采药归乡 Herb Gatherer's Dream-HOYO-MiX.flac
6.沉珑的瑶庭 Garden of Jade-HOYO-MiX.flac
7.沉玉谷渔歌 Chenyu Fisherman's Song-HOYO-MiX.flac
8.沉玉谷渔歌·其二 Chenyu Fisherman's Song (II)-HOYO-MiX.flac
9.春尽水如天 Into the Yonder and Water-HOYO-MiX.flac
10.村巷欢声 Pleasure of Rural Life-HOYO-MiX.flac
11.灯如明月在中天 Moonlit Lanterns-HOYO-MiX.flac
12.洞天伏仙 Distant Gleam of Lingshu-HOYO-MiX.flac
13.芳草庭闲 Verdant Longings-HOYO-MiX.flac
14.风散忽经年 With the Wind, Flowing Epoch-HOYO-MiX.flac
15.浮光摇日月 Xuanlian's Wavering Light-HOYO-MiX.flac
16.归步过流尘 Through Ancient Veils-HOYO-MiX.flac
17.壶中金匮 Trace of Grace-HOYO-MiX.flac
18.锦彩之梦 Brocade Dreams-HOYO-MiX.flac
19.锦落云升 Fujin's Chant-HOYO-MiX.flac
20.锦色映夜风 Night's Whispering Breath-HOYO-MiX.flac
21.静夜流觞 Nightcap at Nightfall-HOYO-MiX.flac
22.久梦随云 Ancient Slumber-HOYO-MiX.flac
23.况是花繁月正明 Camellia Night-HOYO-MiX.flac
24.丽日逢源 A Nice Day at the Port-HOYO-MiX.flac
25.名藏仙府 The Absent Hermit-HOYO-MiX.flac
26.明月照翠珑 The Jadeite Reflection-HOYO-MiX.flac
27.茗香悠远 The Journey of Tea Leaves-HOYO-MiX.flac
28.陌路春深 On a Remote Trail-HOYO-MiX.flac
29.岂愧瑟与筝 Past Yearning-HOYO-MiX.flac
30.清露涟涟 Melody of Morning Dew-HOYO-MiX.flac
31.清润玉响 A Mild Tale Untold-HOYO-MiX.flac
32.曲水如鳞 Her Silhouette-HOYO-MiX.flac
33.融风渐暖 Springtide of Qiaoying-HOYO-MiX.flac
34.山风御随 Mountainborn Gale-HOYO-MiX.flac
35.山峦的仙语 Whispering Mountains-HOYO-MiX.flac
36.石泉溟蒙 Spring's Tender Sigh-HOYO-MiX.flac
37.松荫白日寒 Isolated Pine-HOYO-MiX.flac
38.肃肃宵征 Breaking the Miasma-HOYO-MiX.flac
39.天光深摇溪影寒 Creek's Shade-HOYO-MiX.flac
40.蜿蜒的旧忆 Creeks of Nostalgia-HOYO-MiX.flac
41.王山遗威 Guhua's Legacy-HOYO-MiX.flac
42.我心孤云身野鹤 Thoughts Straying As Clouds-HOYO-MiX.flac
43.雾随山色重 Amidst Foggy Mountains-HOYO-MiX.flac
44.闲揽九霄云 Retaining Clouds-HOYO-MiX.flac
45.笑语谐趣 A Jolly Trick-HOYO-MiX.flac
46.幽谷舟咏 The Rime of the Ancient Bargeman-HOYO-MiX.flac
47.幽谷舟咏·其二 The Rime of the Ancient Bargeman (II)-HOYO-MiX.flac
48.玉磬漻漻 Jade Chimes-HOYO-MiX.flac
49.玉篆之诗 A Jade-Like Ode-HOYO-MiX.flac
50.远山笼宿雾 Mountains of Mist-HOYO-MiX.flac
51.云满衣裳月满身 Embracing a Misty Sheen-HOYO-MiX.flac
52.云暖采茶时 Teaplucker's Joy-HOYO-MiX.flac
53.云染夕曛轻 Dusk's Descent-HOYO-MiX.flac
54.竹林溪涧 Dweller of Bamboo Groves-HOYO-MiX.flac



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