HOYO-MiX-《原神-闪耀的群星4 The Stellar Moments Vol. 4》全部歌曲合集无损FLAC打包下载

HOYO-MiX 专辑合辑 2024-01-17 15:20:49 223 0
《原神》第四张角色主题OST「闪耀的群星4 The Stellar Moments Vol. 4」
1.薄晓的重光 By the Dawn's First Radiance-HOYO-MiX.flac
2.草偃风从 Whisper of Verdure-HOYO-MiX.flac
3.潮音流奏之日 Eleusis Dicis Gratia-HOYO-MiX.flac
4古海复涌之时 Parousia Diluvi-HOYO-MiX.flac
5.寒晶的遐梦 Frigid Reverie-HOYO-MiX.flac
6.幻光漫戏 Lustrous Trick-HOYO-MiX.flac
7.骄阳炽燎 Fervent Flare-HOYO-MiX.flac
8.九彻生识 Novatio Novena-HOYO-MiX.flac
9.妙净明心 Serene Contemplation-HOYO-MiX.flac
10.蹑影追风 Chasing the Wind-HOYO-MiX.flac
11.暖云猫迹 Cat's Cosy Course-HOYO-MiX.flac
12.绮縠纷披 Resplendent Couture-HOYO-MiX.flac
13.晴霜的信风 Sunfrost Breeze-HOYO-MiX.flac
14.琼花映蕊 Immaculate Ardency-HOYO-MiX.flac
15.深水的格律 Sonnet of Profundity-HOYO-MiX.flac
16.世谛从缄 Language of Eternity-HOYO-MiX.flac
17.霜烈竞逐 Nippy Bout-HOYO-MiX.flac
18.思接千载 Cogitation of Epochs-HOYO-MiX.flac
19.索实逐真 Veritas Numquam Perit-HOYO-MiX.flac
20.天途迢遥 Empyrean Stairway-HOYO-MiX.flac
21.无余灰断 Ashes of Anupadhisesa-HOYO-MiX.flac
22.虚与实的秘言 Illusory Truth-HOYO-MiX.flac
23.旋蓝之舞 Whirling of Vairambhaka-HOYO-MiX.flac
24.邀欢同游 Se mettre sur son trente-et-un !-HOYO-MiX.flac
25.止极雨散 In the Wake of Rain-HOYO-MiX.flac
26.众生颂 Chantons a plusieurs-HOYO-MiX.flac



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